Company registration online in Zimbabwe

Company registration online in Zimbabwe

No matter what business you are in, you ought to start with company formation in Zimbabwe. If you want to start a business in Zimbabwe, you need to register a company. Without this, you will not be able to open a bank account or apply for a VAT number, apply for ANY tenders. Most other transactions are impossible as well. Therefore, if you want to be successful, you must register a company in Zimbabwe. The problems you can solve with registering a company are endless.

Company registration in Zimbabwe has become necessary as a response to the growing business sector in the country. The Government of Zimbabwe requires businesses to be registered with the Registrar of Companies who is based in either Harare or Bulawayo.
Legally own your ideas. Get the legal protection Zimbabwe currently lacks. Startups fail because entrepreneurs lack the financial and legal resources to carry them through
Registering a company in Zimbabwe is a way of protecting yourself, and your big idea!

In this case, the registrar shall not permit any application for registration of a company name that is identical with another already registered name in the registrar’s records or which contains any word or name prohibited by law. This is the law that requires one to start a new business using a different name from your personal name, nickname, or surname. The early bird gets the best worm. When you start your startup is more important than where you start…

Registering a company in Zimbabwe will not be as difficult as you think. Register a company in Zimbabwe with a government-approved company registration agent. Procedures for company registration in Zimbabwe to be followed are outlined here… 

You can register your company from the comfort of your home
Advantages: saves valuable time
Benefits: Quickest and easiest way to incorporate a new business
You can start your own company from the comfort of your home. Registering a company in Zimbabwe requires a lot of paperwork, we take care of it all for you. All you need to do make sure you have all the company documents ready and that is it.

Company registration fees in Zimbabwe range from USD 75 for a Private Business Corporation and USD 100 for a Private Limited Company. Check the difference between the two here…

Registering a company in Zimbabwe online is easy. Here are the Company Registration in Zimbabwe contact details:
+263716196475 | +263777069078

Alternatively, place an order here

Fill in this contact form and get assistance in registering your company…