Here is step by step guide in starting an ECD /Creche day – care center in Zimbabwe.
If you like taking care of the young ones, you can make extra dollars by making use of your empty space at home by starting an ECD /Creche day – care center in Zimbabwe. A you expand, you can consider rented premises. When parents choose a daycare for their children, they look for a place that will enrich and keep their children safe during the day. While your daycare may have those qualities, without the right advertising and marketing, it will go overlooked.
ECD or Creche Students
You might try a few new strategies to catch the attention of parents and attract new clients to your daycare.
Register your ECD.
Check the registration requirements here…
It is mandatory to register an ECD .There are some requirements needed to register an ECD .These include but not limited to
1.Permission from Local authority to establish an ECD centre
2.Health certificate
3.Memorandum of understanding
4.Proposed names of the ECD centre
5.Physical address of the ECD centre
6.Area to be served by the ECD centre
7.Number of pupils to be enrolled on opening of age and ranges note : one teacher to 20 pupils
8. Name and qualification of teachers to employed
9.Medical certificates plus x-ray is a mandatory since you will be dealing with kids and health status of staff needs to be known
10.Floor plan and house plan
11.Title deeds or lease of agreement
12.Indoor play space area 1:2,25 square meters per child .Age appropriate furniture
13. Outdoor play space 1:5,5 square meters per child
14. Toilets closets 1:2
15.Wash basins
From the data we have gathered, the average startup cost for a daycare centre in Zimbabwe is $1000 to $2500.This can vary widely depending on whether you are opening a home-based daycare center or leasing a separate facility for your care centre .If don’t have $10000+in bank account ,they don’t worry.
Ten tips to start an ECD or Creche in Zimbabwe and be successful :
1.Keep your environment safe and clean-Keep all doors secure .Ideally , have a code available only to parents and staff .Change it regularly.Ensure windows are securely fastened.All stairwells should be gated .Staff and children should wash hands throughout the day..This is especially true before meal times and after diapering /restroom use.Disinfect toys daily.Schedule a time so this task is not forgotten .Have a clear routines incase of emergency.
2.Make consistent policies- Clearly outline your policies to protect your business and address parent concerns.Maintaining a regularly updated parent handbook can make your childcare center stand out from others.Before enrolling , have parents review and agree to the policies listed in your handbook.Your can also add your own unique policies .Consider addressing policies about ;hours of operation daily schedule
-food and nutrition
-curriculum {[ more on this later}
-pick -up{who can pick-up the child ? how do you verify identity
-parent communication
-fees and payment
-program closing
3 Invest in training of your staff – babies and toddlers needs consistent , predictable care.For this reason , parents prefer childcare centers with low turnover.Invest training and resources in your staff.Treat them as respected ,appreciated professionals by ;recognizing and rewarding success and hard work
-providing support amd extra help when its neede
-holding a staff appreciation day/ week
-including staff in your vision goals , policies
-building relationship goals
4 Develop a curriculum – parents want to know that their children aren’t watching tv or sitting around all day.Young children need active play , stimulation , and learning .Think about programming and your daily schedule .
5. Communicate – to maintain and continue boosting enrollment , communication is key.Parents want to know what their child is up to throughout the day.Some daycare centers even have apps that allow them to share information about meals, naps , and activities in real time.
Ten tips to manage a creche
1. Have clear policies and follow them-running successful daycares starts with having a clear set of policies .These policies need to apply to both children and parents .
2. Don’t take your friends and family kids- family and friends may expect special treatment regarding your policies .Avid this situation entirely and keep your business professional
3.Always ask for parental feedback-the most successful day care have myriad of reviews available on google
4.Have a social media presence – when you are trying to look up local business information , what is one of the most common places you stop? Get assistance with professional social media management from City Cloud. Check their services here
5.Add value with unique services- look around at your fellow daycare providers to see what they offer .Various daycare centers may have their unique take on the field.
6. Having a properly trained staff who believes in your vision-child care businesses may be encouraged to save money by hiring staff that lack experience. However you run the gp of having an educational gap and safety exposures in this case.
7. Don’t forget to take a vacation-business owners who handle their own time typically forget that managing daycares can be an exhausting experience.
8.Simply the business side of things-many times the business side of daycare can prevent owners from properly focusing.
9.Try to be flexible (within reason)-your parents will appreciate flexibility in their day cares , as some situations may prevent them from arriving on time.
10.Change upfront-while we hate to see it , there is always a chance for flaky parents who won’t pay you.If they can get a month of free day care out of you straightforward for them to vanish
What’s stopping you from fulfilling your dreams and aspirations? Imagine being your own boss, being able to play an integral role in the development of your beloved country, empowering families and communities through your hard work. The decision is up to you. You have the power to make it happen. Contact us today and we’ll help you register your ECD or Creche business today!